I wrote some emails, they went unanswered and I found out elsewhere that the entire publishing group had gone under. I sent my words and pictures over, and it didn’t appear in the next issue of RC Model world, I thought I’d just missed the deadline, but then it didn’t appear in the next month either. I’d just written the review, when I got another email through telling me that the magazine would cease trading – but not to worry as the article could run in it’s sister magazine RC Model World, so I rejigged a few things to make reference of this radio for fixed wing flyers. About 2 days after it arrived with me, the editor sent me an email saying that the magazine was having issues and it would be going to a quarterly release instead of bimonthly. RC Flight Camera Action asked me if I could do a review of the Q7 as they’d got it in from FrSky a “while ago” and FrSky were chasing them about the review. This review and another on the ImmersionRC Vortex 150 had a bit of a troubled journey into publication. Not exactly topical is it a Taranis QX7 review, and even at the time of publication, it had been out a while.